“Anarpita charim chirat karunavatirna kalau” - He mercifully appeared on earth to give the esoteric Mādhurya Prema Niryāsa (the apex of Mādhurya Prema, Manjari Bhāva) that was never given before to the Jivas of Kaliyuga. We are discussing about the five kinds of moods of Bhakti - Shānta, Dāsya, Sakhya, Vātsalya and Madhura Rasas. We have already discussed the first four Rasas. Currently, I am trying to give a “Digdarshan” (general synopsis) on Madhura Rasa. It is beyond the capability of words to describe such esoteric topics. Such topics are beyond the three modes of nature and the material senses. They are Divya (divine), Chinmaya (spiritual), Shuddha (pure), Satya (the ultimate Truth), Sanātan (eternal), Ānandamaya (blissful), Anubhava vedya (can only be understood through experience) and Kripā Sādhya (attainable only through mercy). A sadhak can get a little insight into such topics only through experience when Radharani mercifully lets him relish such Rasa. When the sadhak become...
Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu appeared on this earth in order to shower great benevolence and mercy on all Jivatmas. “Anarpita charim chirat karunavatirna kalau” - He mercifully appeared on earth to give the esoteric Mādhurya Prema Niryāsa (the apex of Mādhurya Prema, Manjari Bhāva) to the Jivas of Kaliyuga. Mādhurya Rasa is divided into four categories: Dāsya, Sakhya, Vātsalya and Madhura (Sringāra) Rasas. Madhura Rasa is further divided into three categories: Sādhārani Rati, Sāmanjasyā Rati and Samarthā Rati. Sādhārani Rati (general love) exists in Mathura. It is Sambhoga Icchamayi (they desire a love union with Krishna) and Svasukha Vāsanāmayi (their love is aimed at fulfilling their own desire to receive eternal love). Kubjā is an example of Sādhāran Rati, who repeatedly requested Krishna to go home with her. Krishna told her that He would visit her after killing the tyrant king Kamsa. But she refused to listen to Him and requested Him to go home with her at that very moment. This...