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Līlā Tatva: Introduction

God appears on Earth like an ordinary person, but in truth, He is without birth (He doesn’t have a beginning or an end; He is infinite). How can He take birth on Earth? “Ajo 'pi sann avyayātma bhutānām isvaro 'pi san prakrtim svām adhisthāya sambhavāmy ātma-māyaya .” (Bhagavat Geeta 4.6) Meaning: Although I am unborn and My transcendental body never deteriorates, and although I am the Lord of all sentient beings, I still appear in every millennium in My original transcendental form. Although He is without birth and death, omnipresent in all beings, the ocean of nectarine bliss and the omnipotent Lord of the infinite universes, He appears on Earth and performs pastimes like an ordinary person. Why does God perform His pastimes? “Janma karma ca me divyam evam yo vetti tattvatah tyaktvā deham punar janma naiti mām eti so 'rjuna.” (Bhagavat Geeta 4.9) Meaning: One who knows the transcendental nature of My appearance and activities does not, upon leaving the body, take hi
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Mādhurya Upāsanā: Vātsalya Prema Part 3

In Vātsalya Prema, there is the mood of service like Dāsya Prema, unhesitant behaviour like Sakhya Prema and along with that, there is the mood of being Krishna’s guardian. Such devotees of Vātsalya Prema consider themselves elders of Krishna and consider Krishna as their beloved little child who needs their care and guidance. In order to guide Krishna, they discipline, reproach and punish Krishna when He is naughty. In Sakhya Prema, except the older Suhrit Sakhas who have some Vātsalya mixed with Sakhya Prema, the devotees do not discipline or punish Krishna. As equals, they do not have the right to do so. But in Vātsalya Prema, the devotees think that if they do not discipline Krishna, He will go astray or become an insolent person. Therefore, as elders and guardians, it is important to discipline Krishna. We have already discussed how Mother Yashoda never accepted Krishna as God although He showed the infinite universes in His little mouth. Instead, she prayed to Narayan to protec

Mādhurya Upāsanā: Vātsalya Prema Part 2

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Mādhurya Upāsanā: Vātsalya Prema Part 1

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Mādhurya Upāsanā: Sakhya Prema Part 2

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Mādhurya Upāsanā: Sakhya Prema Part 1

Raya Ramananda: Dasya Prema is the best form of Bhakti. Mahaprabhu: This is right. But let us discuss about the deeper aspects of Bhakti. Raya Ramananda: Sakhya Prema is the best form of Bhakti. In the previous article, we discussed about Dasya Prema. Now, let us discuss Sakhya Prema where the sadhak considers Krishna as his closest and dearest friend. Dasya, Sakhya, Vatsalya and Madhura moods of love exist in Dvaraka too, but they are mixed with the Aishwarya mood of Bhakti. These moods of love exist in their purest form only in Vraja Dham. The multifaceted beauty and sweetness of these moods are present in their fullest form in Vraja Dham while those moods outside of Vraja are mixed with the Aishwarya mood of Bhakti, accepting Krishna as the Supreme Controller of infinite universes. For example, the five Pandavas were cousins of Krishna and they naturally had friendship towards Krishna. But when Arjuna realized that Krishna is the Supreme Controller of the infinite universes, hi