Asakti is a very high stage of Bhakti and very rare devotees are able to reach here. Normally, a sadhak needs to force his mind out of the mundane talk and focus on contemplation of Radha Krishna. But in the Asakti stage, the sadhak’s mind gets naturally immersed in the contemplation of Radha Krishna and he has to force his mind back into the material realm to take care of mundane matters. For example, the sadhak is receiving a guest and while talking, his mind gets ‘distracted’ to the contemplation of Radha Krishna. Then he has to force his mind back to the conversation and he asks some questions to the effect – “Who is he? What does he do?” But before he could listen to the answers, his mind runs back to the contemplation of Radha Krishna. The mind is the king of all senses. We cannot process the sensations of eyes, ears, tongue, etc or function with them without the help of mind. When our mind focuses on eyes, we process what our eyes see. When our mind focuses on the ears, we...
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