“Jagat vyāpaka hari, aja bhava āgyā-kāri, madhura murati lila kathā, ei tattva jāne yei, parama uttama sei, tāra sańga koribo sarvathā.” (Prema Bhakti Chandrika 97 ) Meaning: Lord Hari is present in every corner of the material world. Brahma and Shiva are His servants. His form and the talk of His pastimes are very sweet. One who knows this is a great person. I always yearn for his association. One who knows all three aspects of Krishna’s Lordship - Gyānamaya Prakāsh, Aishwaryamaya Prakāsh and Mādhuryamaya Prakāsh - is a great devotee. If a person understands only one or two of the three aspects and not the others, then he inevitably commits Aparādha to the sadhaks of other paths by quarrelling and arguing with them. Such a person develops biased opinions about the different paths to Godhead and his heart becomes devoid of happiness. He thinks his path to Godhead is the only correct path while the other paths are not correct. Therefore, he argues with sadhaks of other paths and hurts
~~ the official blogspot of Sri Sri Vinod Bihari Das Babaji Maharaj (Barsana) ~~