The attraction to worldly pleasures is not a fault, but has become a habit of the jivatma due to the Samskaras of innumerable previous births. Through the association of highly enlightened sadhus, when the sadhak starts realizing that there is a higher reason to take birth as humans rather than living for food and mating like animals, they worship God. Slowly, they rise the ladder of Bhakti: Shraddha (faith), Sadhusanga (association of elevated sadhus), Bhajan kriya (practicing the forms of Bhakti), Anartha nivritti (the emergence and winning over the obstacles of Bhakti), Nishtha (diligence in bhajan), Ruchi (the first signs of love of Krishna), Asakti (the stage when sadhak starts forgetting his identification with body due to continuous contemplation of Krishna), Bhava (the stage when the sadhak realizes his Bhava deha in spiritual world) and Prem (the full maturity of Bhava and realizing darshan of Radha Krishna in person). The sadhak must not feel disheartened at his
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