Sanatan Dharma is worldwide known as the ‘Hindu religion’. However, this is not the real name of our system of philosophy that has come from God himself . The civilization along the Sindhu River was known as Sindhu civilization and the system of faith & philosophy followed by their people came to be known as the Hindu religion (‘S’ modified to ‘H’ by the people who could not pronounce ‘S’ easily). The word ‘Sanatan’ means that which is an eternal truth i.e., it already existed earlier, it exists at present and it will always exist in the future as well . ‘Dharma’ could be understood as duty, obligation, spirituality or characteristic, according to the context. ‘Sanatan Dharma’ means the eternal duty of a human. In order to understand the eternal duty of a human being, it is essential to first understand the meaning of Jiva tattva , i.e., what is a ‘living being’. The Jiva (or Jivatma) is the result of the combination of Para Prakriti (Atma, the conscious, pure soul) and
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