In previous article, we have discussed about the ultimate aim of human birth. There are many paths described in the scriptures about how to realize one’s relationship with God. These spiritual paths can be broadly classified as Nirguna Upasana path and Saguna Upasana path. [Shakti means power and Shaktimān means the powerful. Just like fire and its ability to burn are one and inseparable, Shakti and Shaktimān are one and inseparable. But due to transcendental quality of God, His Shakti can take a separate form. In fact, the appearance, divine qualities, names and pastimes of God are the functions of His Shakti. When Shakti remains inactive, God does not have any form, name, etc. Just like a dicot seed that looks like one piece while its seed coat is intact. As soon as it is removed, we find two identical halves of the same seed.] Nirguna Upasana path: When Shakti and Shaktimān remain as one and Shakti is inactive, God remains in a state that is nameless, formless, the primary sour
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