Discontentment (asantosh) is the sign that Kali maharaj is ruling over your mind. This is understood by the thirst Parikshit maharaj felt when he went for hunting after wearing the crown of Jarasandh. Kali searches for holes in your bhakti, in your sadhana to make his way into your mind and as soon as he finds one, he stealthily enters your mind without your slightest realization. When Parikshit maharaj was chasing Kali yuga to kill him, Kali yuga ran to various places but wherever he went he saw Parikshit maharaj with his bow and arrow in front of him. Finally, he took shelter at his feet. He knew that Parikshit maharaj was a true Kshatriya and followed the principles of Kshatriya dharma sincerely. He would not kill a person come to his shelter. When Parikshit maharaj told him to leave his empire he said that the whole world was his empire, where could he go? Parikshit maharaj said he would give him four places to reside. He said Kali could reside in gambling, himsa (vi
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