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Yes, we all have bad samskaras, the materialistic inclinations that we have acquired through several lives. But do you think those bhaktas you read about in Bhaktamaal and even Shrimad Bhagvatam didn't have such samskaras? From those who were proud of their knowledge, caste, wealth, power, etc. to drunkards, from savage dacoits to prostitutes, what samskaras did you see? Bhajan means to remember your Ishta all the time. One has to persevere in remembering him and chanting his name day and night. It's natural to fail. But you have to try again. When a small child learns to write for the first time, he is not able to draw even a single straight line. His hand shakes and makes ridiculous shapes. The parent holds his hand and makes an 'A', but as soon as he leaves his hand, 'A' becomes a ball of weirdly drawn lines. If you say, since he is not able to write it's useless to teach him, that would be wrong. His every line, every try is part of his learning process. Without making those weird lines and trying again and again, he would never learn to write. That same child one day grows up to write important essays and articles. But it all started with those weird lines. Similarly, a sadhak fails in his spiritual journey again and again. His bad samskaras pull him backwards while the mercy of Guru pulls him forward. The mercy of Guru is more powerful and is sure to win, but it depends upon how much the sadhak has surrendered himself. If the sadhak holds his bad samskaras tightly, it will take a long time for Guru kripa to pull him to his side. If the sadhak slackens his grip, or better if he shakes it off, then Guru kripa will pull him to his side in no time.

Therefore, a sadhak must actively try to shake off his materialistic inclinations and persevere in bhajan. A lazy sadhak, lazy aspirations, lazy (or casual) questions about bhajan, lack of perseverance are no good.

"Tasmat sarveshu kaaleshu maamanusmara yudhya cha"

Meaning: O Arjun, remember me at all times and fight.

The sadhak has to fight with his bad samskaras and the six enemies (lust, anger, greed, etc.). All the bhaktas you hear about in Bhaktamaal had to fight these. They were not free from all obstacles. Fighting these negative traits is called Tapasya. Without this tapasya one cannot attain God. Also, one must not think that God was more merciful to them than he is to us.

"Samoham sarvabhuteshu na me dweshyosti na priya"

Meaning: All creatures are equal to me, nobody is my enemy or friend.

He showers his mercy on all of us equally. He has given us the intelligence to differentiate between good and bad, the ability to dedicate ourselves for a goal and the will to transform ourselves accordingly. The mercy of Guru and Krishna only acts as a protector of our will to do bhajan. Just like when a person learns to swim, the guide supports and helps him to float by placing a hand beneath him, while the person has to kick his legs as instructed by the guide. Similarly, the sadhak has to do as he is instructed by his Guru, while the Guru supports and helps him. If the sadhak only listens to Guru's instructions but does not follow them, he will never reach his goal. So, ultimately, it is our lack of DESIRE that inhibits our progress than the external obstacles of the path of Bhakti.


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