The relationship between a jivatma and Sri Bhagwan is eternal. Due to the illusory powers of Maya, the jivatma has forgotten this relationship. To free oneself from the cycle of birth and death, the jivatma must realize that he is a part and parcel of Sri Bhagwan and that he will find the eternal bliss he seeks constantly only by serving the lotus feet of Sri Bhagwan with loving devotion. Realizing this “Sambandha” (relationship) with Sri Bhagwan is the prime goal of a sadhak. “Sambandha loiya bhaje, taare Krishna nahi tyaje, aar sab more akaran” (Prem Bhakti Chandrika) Meaning: Whoever worships Krishna by developing a loving relationship with him, Krishna does not leave him in any situation. All other kinds of worshippers die for nothing. (They don’t achieve anything valuable.) A sadhak must keep this eternal relationship in mind and then do bhajan. (Otherwise, although he might seem to do a lot of bhajan physically, his mind might get entangled in Maya in various subtle ways)....
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