When a jivatma sincerely takes shelter at the lotus feet of an enlightened sadhu, his mercy is able to change the heart of that jivatma gradually. But the ego of the jivatma is the main obstacle in this process of purification of heart. But how do we know whether we are really able to accept the mercy of the sadhu and achieve positive results? The main indicator of mercy is realizing one's own faults. The sadhak starts analyzing his actions and thoughts, and finds out where he is going wrong. Due to samskaras of numerous previous births, the sadhak often ends up getting angry on some petty worldly matter and he might speak harshly to a vaisnava as a result, but he immediately feels repentant about his words and chastises himself, 'I have done a great wrong! I spoke so harshly to a vaisnava! How will I ever progress in my spiritual path?' Then he prays to Radharani with great humility, 'He Radharani, today I inflicted pain on a vaisnava through words. Please give me the ...
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