Firm faith in Sadhu (saints), Guru (spiritual mentor) and Shastras (scriptures) is called Shraddha . There are three types of Shraddha: Sadharan Shraddha, Vishesh Shraddha and Atyantiki Shraddha. 1. Sadharan Shraddha: A sadhak with Sadharan Shraddha visits Sadhus and his Guru occasionally and tries to serve them according to his convenience. He listens to Their lectures and tries to perform devotional services a little. He gets entangled in worldly matters most of the time, but sometimes, remembers that he must associate with enlightened Sadhus to develop Bhakti for Krishna. Thus, he visits Them for a few days but again gets entangled in Maya when he comes back. 2. Vishesh Shraddha: A sadhak with Vishesh Shraddha tries to remain in association with Sadhus/Guru as much as possible and pleases Them through Their service. He tries to follow Their instructions with determination in his life. Such sadhaks must keep i...
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